Monday, November 12, 2012

Week Three - Pastille

Good morning everyone, I'm really happy it's Monday and I get to sew again. Today I am working on Pastille.

I got a jump start at the end of last week making my muslin and cutting my fabric. I am going to use a nice green cotton fabric with a hint of sheen that I recently thrifted, I think it will make a great holiday dress.

I had to make 2 muslins, the first one was made with no adjustments to the pattern and the shoulders were too wide and the sleeves were way to big. Since taking down the shoulder seam worked so well for me while making Truffle, I thought I would apply the same alteration here. I pinched, pinned and eventually sewed a new seam on my muslin to determine how far to take it down (5/8 of an inch). I sewed wrong sides together and left the old seam intact so you could see exactly what I did. I transferred the changes onto the pattern and cut a new muslin. I also rounded the outer edge of the cap sleeve down an additional 1/2 inch.

 The second muslin fits very nicely and I'm excited to start sewing the real dress. This is another simple, unlined dress so I expect to be finished by the end of the day today or by tomorrow afternoon.

After a busy and stressful weekend I am really looking forward to sitting in front of my sewing machine undisturbed today! See you back here soon for an update!


  1. Hi there. I found you on the Colette Flickr page after I saw your Truffle dress. I am on a Colette sewing binge myself at the moment and we seem to have similar fitting issues so I think it is awesome to have discovered you! I've loved everything you have done so far and looking forward to seeing your finished Pastille. Really like your style!

  2. Hi Sew Hopefull, Thanks so much! I've actually seen your blue Peony dress on the Colette Flickr page and I LOVE IT, I like your style too. I managed to finish my Pastille today and will post pictures of it tomorrow so check back, I think it looks great!
