Saturday, February 22, 2025

12 Years Later...

It has been 12 years since my last post. A lot has changed, obviously - I am a mother now, married, work in tech, moved to a new province, own a on and so forth.

Over the years, I have almost completely lost touch with my creative self, particularly my sewing self. This is not because of motherhood; it happened long before then when I quit attempting to earn a living through sewing, art, and crafts and chose to "get a real job."

I am at the point now, 12 years later, that work has sucked the life out of me, and I can no longer bear it. I need to get back in touch with my inner seamstress again. Luckily, I hang on to things. Deep in my crawl space, tucked away in a dusty plastic tote - my collection of Colette sewing patterns has laid in wait.  

Thankfully, when I started this blog 13 years ago, I had the good sense to trace the patterns instead of cutting them out. They are all still pristine and ready for use in a new era (and a new size).

This brings me to my point - I am dusting off the "Complete Colette Sewing Challenge"! Over the next few months, I intend to start sewing a new wardrobe in time for summer, making my way through the entire Colette pattern collection, as I had initially set out to do 13 years ago. 

However this time, a few things will change:

  • I am moving up from a size 0 to a size 8!
  • I am not working to a deadline - I will just enjoy the journey, however long that is.
  • That said, I don't have time to trace out all the patterns, so I will be cutting them out 😱🤞
  • I am going to thrift my materials. Sewing is a very expensive hobby!
I'll be starting with the beginner patterns, and first up will be the Sencha blouse. Time to get started!

Happy Sewing!

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