Saturday, December 1, 2012

Finished Anise

It is the end of November and I have finished my first six Colette sewing patterns, finishing with the tailored jacket Anise. So without further ado, here it  is, my Anise complete with bound buttonholes, welt pockets, sleeveheads and shoulder pads!

 I must admit, I was incredibly intimidated by this one at first, I was worried I wouldn't get the fit right or some of the details would be difficult to construct, I was very nervous. There also was a lot of prep work involved, A LOT of pattern cutting, but once I got down to the sewing - it was a breeze! This pattern is amazing and I love the professional results. Details like the bound buttonholes, which seemed difficult, were surprisingly straightforward, they just require a few extra steps. The part I found to be the trickiest was attaching the armhole lining to the jacket lining, took many pins and a bit of cursing but I got there and with a little practice I'll be a pro. I definitely give this pattern an A+!

So that does it for November, only five more months to go. I am going to be away for a couple days celebrating the holidays with my family early this year, but I will be back on the fourth ready to fill you in on all my plans for December's sewing projects. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Beautiful job. It looks lovely, goes awesome with your (very cute) hat and the fabric has made up beautifully. Very flattering and great job on the fit.

  2. Wow, that's one cute jacket!Although I'm quite far behind, I still follow the Complete Colette - I just started on the Violet, finished tracing my pattern and cutting my traced pattern last evening!

  3. That looks perfect! I'm working on Anise and agreeing with you, its a great pattern.

  4. Hi! Your jacket is fabulous! I'm really impressed. I'm still to intimidated to try something so complicated! :P
    So you are Canadian... and you mentioned the One of a Kind show... does that mean you are from the GTA? I live just north of Brampton, but I'm always looking for local(ish) bloggers! I blog at - Come say hi! :)

  5. Good job matching the checks at the sleeve. I'm trudging away on mine now. Loved the patterned interlining

  6. I love your jacket! Well done!

  7. Hallo, wo kann ich das Schnittmuster bekommen?
